If you would like to support our ongoing effort on becoming Turkey’s renowned, inclusive, and pioneer non-governmental organisation in the field of intercultural interaction, you can make a donation by transfer/EFT or online credit card payment.
Transfer / EFT Donations
AFS Gönüllüleri Derneği
Garanti Bankası
TL: 399 – 6299675 BEŞİKTAŞ, TR58 0006 2000 3990 0006 2996 75
EUR: 399 – 9081700 BEŞİKTAŞ, TR49 0006 2000 3990 0009 0817 00
USD: 399 – 9098115 BEŞİKTAŞ, TR37 0006 2000 3990 0009 0981 15
Important note: We are required to notify the Head of the Department of Associations for donations made in USD or EUR according to the regulations. Thus, we kindly ask you to inform us on foreign currency donations by sending an email to info@afsgonulluleri.orgor calling +90 212 343 29 79.
Online Credit Card Donation
You can make one time or regular donations from our page at Fonzip — a member, fee, and donation management system for nongovernmental organisations— with reliable iyzico infrastructure.